Future stewards lend a hand to baby salmon

My Edmonds News
Posted: May 27, 2024

Last week marked the final releases this year of “baby” coho salmon from Edmonds’ Willow Creek Salmon Hatchery into local streams to help the salmon populations in Puget Sound. On hand to help were community volunteers including future stewards of the environment and even Edmonds Mayor Mike Rosen.

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Reader view: Time to speak up about the city’s Comprehensive Plan process

By Joe Scordino
Posted: March 17, 2024

Joe Scordino
Joe Scordino

Do the citizens of Edmonds really want changes made to the city’s Comprehensive Plan (which dictates municipal operations in the city) so that we become known as “Edmonds – Where the Sewer Meets the Sea”?

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Reader view: Can we stop the demise of Edmonds salmon streams?

By Joe Scordino
Posted: August 26, 2023

Joe Scordino
Joe Scordino

First it was Perrinville Creek and now it is Shell Creek that is losing its natural functions and salmon habitat — this time because of neglect and inaction by city administration in Edmonds’ Yost Park.

In the case of Perrinville Creek, the loss of salmon is due to both inaction to implement a watershed restoration plan (as promised by Mayor Nelson in a press release over two years ago), and an apparent illegal action the city took in January 2021 to totally block salmon access to Perrinville Creek.

Continue reading “Reader view: Can we stop the demise of Edmonds salmon streams?”

Letter to the editor: Change Unocal property zoning to protect Edmonds Marsh

Posted: September 20, 2022


It is my understanding that the Unocal property is currently zoned MP2. I would like to urge the City Council to change that zoning and designate the property to be used for public use land. It would be very sad to see such a wonderful property, situated next to the marsh and the beach, turned into a housing development, even if it were to include low-cost housing. Due to its proximity to the marsh and coastline, maintaining the open, pristine nature of this land is crucial to the long-term preservation of the quality of the marsh.

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