‘A cleanup, not a coverup’: Marsh advocates challenge Ecology’s preferred alternative for Unocal site cleanup

Posted: September 18, 2024

Draft Feasibility study

The current draft feasibility study – developed by Chevron as part of its compliance with MCTA – targets alternatives for addressing the remaining contaminants in the lower yard. It proposes 4 alternative action plans, two of which emerged as viable. Details of each action plan can be found in the 2024 draft feasibility study document here.

The two viable alternatives – alternatives 4 and 6 – provide very different approaches to cleaning up the site.

PowerPoint Presentation from meeting

Edmonds Council supports retaining property tax dollars; learns city likely to miss Comp Plan deadline

The council also learned during Tuesday’s remote meeting that due to planning and development department staffing shortages and other factors, Edmonds is likely to miss the state-mandated deadline for completing its 2024 Comprehensive Plan update.

September 17, 2024