By Karen Haase Herrick
Posted: August 28, 2024
As previously stated by the Alliance of Citizens for Edmonds (ACE), repeatedly stated by Edmonds residents and the chair of the city’s Architectural Design Board (MEN comment), “the City should not be allowing anything in the Comp Plan that is not required.”
Planning Board Vice Chair Golembiewski asked during the 8/20/24 special Council meeting concerning the Comprehensive Plan (Plan) Draft Housing Element – which goals are state requirements and which are staff/contractor recommendations? The previous planning director stated during the 7/24/24 planning board meeting they were to identify requirements vs. recommendations and provide to Council. It would be extremely valuable and transparent if elements of the Plan were identified as requirements or recommendations.
HB 1110 will allow a minimum of two units per lot (four units per lot with affordable housing and/or near a major transit stop). As a result, housing density will greatly increase under HB 1110 and by establishing numerous centers/hubs (meeting HB 1220 requirements), many of which are within residential areas. centers and hubs were conceived as a way to place more residents closer to transportation (reducing driving) and are a transition nexus to lower-density residential units. It must be noted that although Edmonds is required to provide over 9,000 new housing units, only 42 middle housing units provided under HB1110 will count toward the 9,000-unit target.
ACE is concerned that elements of the Plan, as written, will impact existing residential areas more than is required by the state and change the character of Edmonds. As an example, Goal H-10 may be interpreted to drive the following regulatory changes to residential zoning: increased building heights, increased lot coverages, decreased setbacks, minimizing off street parking and allowing lot combinations, lot-line adjustments and subdivisions. Under 1110, Edmonds is required to plan to include provisions for middle housing to the extent that the buildings are compatible in scale, form, and character with single-family homes. Changes to building heights, lot coverages, setbacks, parking, and lot sizes are not required to provide non-counting, middle housing units.
The city needs to “mindfully” and creatively plan our city’s growth so that residents’ comments, asking that the character and charm of Edmonds be preserved, are positively addressed while the city also meets the minimum requirements of new legislation. This is a doable and laudable goal for our Comprehensive Plan update.
Please email our Mayor and city council at and let them know you support both meeting minimum state requirements and retaining Edmonds’ character and charm.
— By Karen Haase Herrick, MN, RN, LTC, USA, RET
President, Alliance of Citizens for Edmonds (ACE)