Reader View: Comprehensive Plan — Adopt minimum state requirements to retain Edmonds’ charm

By Karen Haase Herrick
Posted: August 28, 2024

As previously stated by the Alliance of Citizens for Edmonds (ACE), repeatedly stated by Edmonds residents and the chair of the city’s Architectural Design Board (MEN comment), “the City should not be allowing anything in the Comp Plan that is not required.”

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Ecology: Edmonds school needs to find source of PFAS

EDMONDS — The state Department of Ecology is advising the Edmonds School District to “take immediate corrective action” to reduce dangerous forever chemicals in Madrona K-8 School’s stormwater management system, after local water officials and a consulting firm both found contamination.

Link to full article:

Ecology: Edmonds school needs to find source of PFAS

PFAS found near Edmonds school sparks concerns about wells

EDMONDS — The state Department of Ecology is investigating contamination near Madrona K-8 School, after a consulting firm found so-called “forever chemicals” in the school’s stormwater management system.

Full article:

Madrona K8 School under construction