Project description
Faced with an anticipated population growth of 30% over the next 20 years, the City of Edmonds is struggling through a major Comprehensive Plan update. The EEC will actively advocate for responsible development standards that protect people and wildlife, and mitigate the impacts to clean water and the natural environment.
The Final Environmental Impact Statement was published December 9th, 2024.
The Draft Comprehensive Plan was published in November. Additional related document may be viewed here.
- DEIS public hearing/meeting will be held at 6.00PM Wednesday, October 16th
- Draft Comp Plan webinar will be held at 6.00PM Monday, October 21st
- DEIS public comments will be accepted until October 29th
- Draft Comprehensive Plan public comments will be accepted until November 4th
- Revised draft Comp Plan hearing was held on December 10th
Link to My Edmonds News story on meeting here.
Public comments
Comp plan in the News
- Comments from a packed council chambers set tone for Tuesday meeting 12/11/2024
- Letter – Environmentally Sensitive Zoning and ‘Staggered’ approach to housing density zoning over 20-year Comp Plan 11/25/2024
- Reader View: A better idea for Edmonds Comprehensive Plan update – ‘Environmentally Sensitive’ zoning 11/23/2024
- City publishes revised draft Comprehensive Plan; public hearing Dec. 10 11/22/2024
- Reader view: Edmonds’ growth plan should reflect realistic household data, not inflated targets 11/12/2024
- Letter to Council – Comments, Draft Comp Plan 11/11/2024
- Public invited to city open house Oct. 28 to discuss draft environmental impact statement, Comp Plan 10/23/2024
- Reminder: Public hearing on draft EIS for Comprehensive Plan update Oct. 16 10/15/2024
- Drafts of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan, environmental impact statement now available for review 10/03/2024
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) 09/28/2024
- Edmonds’ draft Comprehensive Plan, draft EIS to be issued next week 09/27/2024
- Edmonds Council supports retaining property tax dollars; learns city likely to miss Comp Plan deadline 09/17/2024